Jane Eyre Homepage



All About Jane Eyre and More!!!

More About Charlotte Bronte

Information on the Author

Analysis of Jane Eyre

Analysis of Jane Eyre

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Book Sources

Charlotte Brontė An Overview

Jane Eyre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jane Eyre Summary

Jane Eyre Webquest-INTRODUCTION

NovelGuide Jane Eyre

SparkNotes Jane Eyre


Bronte, Charlotte.  Jane Eyre.  Penguin Books.  2003.

Chapman, Raymond.  The Victorian Debate: English Literature and Society 1832-1901.  BASIC BOOKS, Inc., Publishers:  New York.  1968.

Kincaid, James R. and Kuhn, Albert J.  Victorian Literature and Society.  Ohio State University Press.  1984.

Tillotson, Geoffrey.  A View of Victorian Literature.  Clarendon Press: Oxford.  1978.

Walker, Hugh.  The Literature of the Victorian Era.  University Press: Cambridge.  1921.

Walker, Janie Roxburgh.  Stories of the Victorian Writers.  Books for Libraries Press:  Freeport, New York.  1968.

Wright, Austin.  Victorian Literature: Modern Essays in Criticism.  Oxford University Press: New York.  1961.

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